About Us
- Established in 2015, IRIS Institute is an independent think-tank dedicated to innovative and strategic studies on the framework of national power and national power development agenda.
- IRIS Institute adopts an interdisciplinary and multilevel analysis approach, encompassing national, regional and international perspectives, to produce high-quality and holistic research insights.
- IRIS Institute publishes and disseminates its research, analyses and recommendations to guide strategic planning and decision making for national leaders, policymakers and strategic communities around the world in general and particularly in Malaysia.
- Given Malaysia’s abundance of resources and geographical advantages, Malaysia has enormous potential to be a regional powerhouse. In addition, Malaysia has inherited the wealth of cultural and intellectual treasures from the Malay civilization to be the center of new civilizational power in the Nusantara region.
- However, after nearly 7 decades of independence, the country is still under the long shadow of colonialism and recovering from the impacts of more than 400 years of colonial exploitation. Malaysia’s true potential and capabilities is yet to be fully unleashed. Regrettably, the agenda of national power development to make Malaysia a strong, developed and sovereign nation has not received the attention it deserves.
Our Main Focuses
Strategic Monitoring
Observing trends in strategic development and its implications, from both national and global interests via our integrated monitoring method. This encompasses open-sources and actors monitoring systems, and statistical and strategic reports analysis. IRIS commits in producing our insights on the significant geopolitical megatrends through our publications of; news summary (RADAR), periodic reports (LANDSKAP), strategic reports and online portal (FOKUS+).
Strategic Research
Conducting in-depth and interdisciplinary research with strategically-developed framework, that is driven by national interest of its potential. IRIS believes by formulating the fundamental development of national resources could steering the national power in global landscape. Our research are conducted via integrated research methodologies, either by performing field research with empirical evidences or conceptual discourse and analysis that are collaborated with our fellow scholars and experts. IRIS commits in publishing our research findings through various book publications, peer-reviewed journal (IJISTRA), and strategic presentations and sharings with various stakeholders and targeted audiences.
Strategic Dialogue
Facilitating series of dialogues that encourage exchanges of ideas and inspirations among Muslim World leaders, national strategic stakeholders, key-industry players and civil organisations. IRIS upholds that the best solution in addressing challenges and fostering innovative ideas regarding national power comes from the practice of collaboration and cooperation. Our National Power Dialogue serves as the primary platform for strategic discussions – revolving the theme of national power, national development through its resources and national challenges.
Strategic Conference
Organizing an international and periodic conference that focuses on mutual understandings on the importance of knowledge and research sharing among scholars, experts and academic community. Our International Conference on Interdisciplinary and Strategic Studies (ICRIS) and its published proceedings gather various leading scholars and fellow researchers, and provides an intellectual platform for them. IRIS believes that the core of strategic research is the development and dispersion of a more comprehensive and precise body of knowledge, with the crucial insights of empirical evidences that are available in the real world.
Meet Our Leadership

Prof. Madya Dr. Norsaleha Mohd Salleh
chairman of the board of directors

Prof. Dr. Azmil Hashim
Board of directors

Syed Israa' Syed Ibrahim
Expertise: Middle East, Geopolitics, National Power
- ‘Fast Tracking’ Politics: How Southeast Asian Leaders Capitalized China Railway Projects For Legitimacy (Book)
- Konsep Deep State: Satu Penilaian Semula: Revisiting the Concept of Deep State (Journal Article)
- Intra-Regional Alignment Strategy of Small States in Gulf area: Cases of Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Southeast Asian Responses Towards China-related Rail Projects: The Cases of Laos, Malaysia, and Thailand

Mohd Asyraf Mohd Farique
Expertise: China, Power Game, Global Elites
- PenChinaan Malaysia: Tergadaikah Tanah Kedaulatan Bangsa? (Book)
- Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Economy and Malaysian Economy (Journal Article)
- The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Development of Creative Industry and Regional Media Centre in Malaysia (Journal Article)
- Konsep Deep State: Satu Penilaian Semula: Revisiting the Concept of Deep State (Journal Article)

Muhd Aiman Ahmad Faudzi
Analyst, Head of Strategic Communication Department
Expertise: Malaysia, Deep State, New World Order
- Konsep Deep State: Satu Penilaian Semula: Revisiting the Concept of Deep State (Journal Article)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dan New World Order
- Bank Negara: Sejarah dan Evolusi Pengawalan Order Ekonomi Dunia
- Sejarah Rekrutment Elit Global di Malaysia

Mohd Zul Fahmi Md Bahrudin
Expertise: Southeast Asia, Malay History & Civilisation, National Power
- Pembandaran Kolonial dan Penghapusan Bangsa Melayu Di Malaysia (Book)
- Hubungan Geopolitik dan Perdagangan Alam Melayu dengan Dunia Arab (Journal Article)
- Sejarah Rekrutment Elit Global di Malaysia
- Konsep Bandar Menurut Peradaban Melayu (Journal Article)

Muhammad Wafiq Azman
Expertise: Malaysia, Politics, Strategic & Network Analysis
- Macau Scam – Pengaruh dan Jaringan Kumpulan Kongsi Gelap Cina Antarabangsa
- PenChinaan Malaysia: Tergadaikah Tanah Kedaulatan Bangsa? (Book)
- Senario Global dan Malaysia Pasca COVID-19
- Laporan Perkembangan Strategik Antarabangsa, Serantau dan Nasional Januari sehingga Jun 2022
- Analisa Pilihanraya Umum (PRU) 15

Nur Hanis Mohamad Noor
Researcher, Research Department
editor of fokus
Expertise: United States & Europe, Urbanisation, Food Security
- Pembandaran Kolonial dan Penghapusan Bangsa Melayu Di Malaysia (Book)
- Dominasi Taikun Kapitalis dalam Projek Penang Smart City dan Iskandar Smart City
- Peruntukan Kewangan Sekolah Vernakular Cina
- Tapping the Potential of Rice Research for Sustainable Agricultural Development: Lessons from Malaysia’s PRIs (Journal Article)

Adilah Zafirah Mohd Suberi
researcher, Research Department
Editor of IJISTRA
Expertise: Australia & Europe, Economy, National Power
- Konsep Hab Ekonomi: Satu Penilaian Semula (Journal Article)
- Chip War: From Cold War to Trade War and Cyber War
- Tahap Kesihatan Mental Rakyat Malaysia Sepanjang Pandemik COVID-19
- Penguncupan dan Penuaan Populasi Malaysia Pasca Pandemik COVID-19
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dan Kemampanan Bandar di Malaysia: Satu Kajian Literatur (Proceedings)

Fathiah Zulkifli
researcher, knowledge management centre (kmc)
Expertise: Middle East, Humanities, Database Management
- Norma Baharu: Kesan Pandemik COVID-19 terhadap Pembangunan Malaysia sebagai Peneraju Penyelidikan dan Pusat Rujukan Serantau (Journal Article)
- Sejarah dan Implikasi Pandemik: Kajian Kes Pandemik Selesema Sepanyol, Selesema Asia dan Selesema Hong Kong (Journal Article)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dan Kemampanan Bandar di Malaysia: Satu Kajian Literatur (Proceedings)

Muhd Irfan Izhar
researcher, Strategic Communication Department
Expertise: Malaysia History, Urbanisation, Socioeconomy
- Sejarah dan Implikasi Pandemik: Kajian Kes Pandemik Selsema Sepanyol, Selsema Asia dan Selsema Hong Kong (Journal Article)
- Naratif Multikulturalisme Menggugat Perpaduan Negara
- Dasar Kerajaan terhadap Pembangunan Ekonomi Orang Melayu di Kuala Lumpur 1957 – 1974 (Journal Article)
- Norma Baharu: Kesan Pandemik COVID-19 terhadap Pembangunan Malaysia sebagai Peneraju Penyelidikan dan Pusat Rujukan Serantau (Journal Article)

Mohd Ali Mohd Zaki
ADMIN, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing DEPARTMENT
Expertise: Middle East, Islamic Studies, Human Resource
Contact details: alizaki@iris.institute, admin@iris.institute, sales@iris.institute, intern@iris.institute
Our Publications
Strategic Report
News Brief
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